Friday, December 31, 2010

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back...

I came home to Minnesota on Tuesday and Liz and Jude flew up north to Sacramento to see her family.  Since I took so much time off in February when Jude was born, I had to work (for the first time in my life) between Christmas and New Year's.   

I always knew that I wasn't the kind of person who liked "me time."  Or maybe it is just that I only need about 5 minutes of "me time" every day, and the rest of the day I want it to be "we time."  So it is expected that the last four days of hanging out by myself have been a little much for me.  I just don't want to know that much about myself (like the fact that I would eat junk and only junk if I didn't have Liz to keep me in line).

It sounds like Liz and Jude had a fantastic time -- Liz can give you a report on all of the antics with the cousins.  He even had his first experience walking behind a push toy.  What a big boy!  You never know how much they change until you don't see them for four whole days!

Here are a couple of photos of the whole family.  Baylee and Aubrey sure looked like they had a fantastic time hanging out with their cousin Jude!

The good news is that since we got our iphones for our birthdays, Liz has no excuse but to send me pictures of Jude's day by day.  Good news: I get to see lots of pictures of Jude.  Bad news: The pictures make me miss Jude! 

Mama sent me a "good morning" picture of Jude waking up in Sacramento...

And then I also got a couple on the plane ride back thanks to Delta's in-flight wi-fi!

Before take-off...

Munching on a biscuit before nap time... sleeping.

I can't wait until they get home today to celebrate New Year's Eve with my little family!


KEF said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I love how Jude looks so much like his cousins. Baylee is getting so big and beautiful and I love that he and Aubrey are so close in age. Hope you three are happily reunited and having a great weekend!

Jolene said...

OMG I LOVE the frames family photo!!

Minnesotagal said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What great pictures! Warning: iphones are crack - seriously don't know how I'd live without one now...

erinjohn said...

love those! especially glad that jude is sporting the johnson hand-me-down sweater! it looks precious on him :)