Sunday, September 12, 2010

So he isn't going to be a turtle

Liz and I had an irrational fear.  Fast forward 12 years.  Jude is at a slumber party with a bunch of his friends.  They spread out all of their sleeping bags on the floor.  In the morning, they wake up.  All of Jude's friends get up for breakfast, and our son just lays there.  And his friends say, "C'mon guys, we gotta go get Jude.  He's just laying there...he's stuck."  His friends would help him to roll over and get up, and then they'd lovingly call him Turtle, a name that would stick with him until his adulthood.

Recently, that fear was eliminated when Jude showed off his skills and rolled over!  He was thrilled to roll from his back to his front...again and again!  And ti looks like he is enjoying tummy time so much more now that he gets to choose when it starts.  We aren't quite ready to to roll back, but we know that it is coming soon.


Melissa said...

AWESOME!! It's crazy how one minute they can't do it and then Bam! piece of cake.

KEF said...

YAY for comments working!!!

My favorite part besides the synchronized and harmonious mommy voices is the look on his face when he does it. SO proud!!!

lehpve said...

He seems to be basking in the limelight! Seriously Lindsay, your post made me hysterical when I read it to Dad. There was a guy nick-named Turtle in his dorm at IU, but it wasn't because he couldn't roll over - he had no chin.

erinjohn said...

i, too, was hysterical at the image of 12-year-old jude... stuck on his back at a sleepover.

glad he's not a total turtle!

(um, why is my word verification "butfunpu". someone was having too much fun with that one)

TheOtherMother said...

Erin, only the best word verifications for you. Maybe next time it will be pooponyerfayce

JohnJohn said...

I'm afraid the seed has been planted. I'm gonna call Jude "Turtle" from now on. Sorry, but it is kinda your fault...:)

Go Jude!