Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hot Saturday Night.... Redefined

Earlier in the day today, Lindsay said, "I feel like we never do anything fun anymore."
A little piece of me dies each time she says something like that because..... I know it's true.  We were never big partiers, didn't really like to go out to drink, and though we loved eating out, we probably wouldn't go to any place fancy unless it was some kind of special occasion.  Lindsay's been in school for the past three years, afterall, and truth be told, I'm really more of a homebody.  But I think the thing is that we *could* have gone out and really whooped it up if we'd wanted to.

So now that we have responsibilities and a baby that takes consistent naps (I seriously never thought the day would come), our weekends are planned in 2-3 hour increments and spontaneity has been sitting on the shelf, collecting dust.  And then there are our weeknights which are... ... hectic and highly routinized, to say the least.  

But tonight is daylight savings, so we were trying to keep Jude up a little later than normal in hopes that he'd sleep until a more regular time in the morning (you moms who have done this before - don't laugh).  We let Jude have a little naked time and somehow we found ourselves in the kitchen - all of us - hanging out on the floor.  I've got to say, I never really imagined we'd be hanging out on the kitchen floor, but there we were.  Jude was playing with his favorite toys of the moment - a small wooden bowl, one red linker ring, a book, and a small squash (don't all kids play with vegetables?) and guess what?  We were having so much fun.  Jude was being so funny, clowning around for the camera, smiling at Sully, and making funny noises with Mommy.  I plopped Jude in my lap to sing one of his favorite songs, Lindsay busted out the video camera and.... well you can watch the video.  Let's just say I may have let a little pee come out, I was laughing so hard, and Lindsay claims that her sides now hurt from the hilarity that ensued.

A fun Saturday night, indeed.

So I wanted Lindsay to film it again and......


erinjohn said...

jude partied so hard he barfed. that's a good saturday night in my opinion (remembering a certain night in the lexus).....

Minnesotagal said...

Love it! One's idea of a "good time" drastically changes after kids! But in the end I bet you'd never have had that much fun as two kid-less gals on the town... It kills me too though when I hear those words or think them.

Jocelyn Arild said...

Adorable! That big smile on his face is precious!